Monday, February 13, 2017

First Grade Cupcake Creations

Here are some of the first grade cupcake creations from PAW University!  The kiddos had a blast!

Friday, February 10, 2017

P.A.W. University!

We are off to a great start with our School-Wide Enrichment Model - P.A.W. (Projects at Work) University! The students are so excited to work in groups once a week on something they are passionate about! Here are some pictures from our board game making group,  Lego group, sign language group, digital animation group, Kindergarten building group, and first grade STEM group!

Mr. Crutcher's Class Mystery Skype with Alabama!

On Friday February 10th, a 5th grade class Mystery Skyped with a class in Tuscumbia, Alabama which is a small town near Florence, Alabama in the northwest part of the state. The Mystery Skype game is where two classes meet on Skype and ask each other questions to figure out where the other class is. You can only ask yes or no questions and students look on a map to narrow down where the other class is located. Once each class figures out where the other is, students can share facts about their state or city.
The third grade class that Skyped with us is part of a school that has only 350 students. They shared that their state bird is the Northern Flicker (also known as the Yellowhammer), that Helen Keller and Jesse Owens were each born close by and Michael Jordan played on the local baseball team.
We shared that our state is the 2nd largest in the nation, our state bird is the mockingbird and we have three professional sports teams.
Our fifth graders really enjoy playing the game and making new friends from another state by using Skype.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Mrs. Bohac's First Graders Learning About Soil!

What we learned about soil:
Soil can be different sizes.
Some soil is better for plants.
Water goes through sand too fast so it isn’t good for plants.
Clay doesn’t let enough water through so it isn’t good for plants.
Potting soil is the best for plants.