Friday, January 20, 2017

Ms. Kaiser's class is learning about fractions!

This morning in math, we were learning about fractions. Ms. Kaiser brought Cheerios, Craisins, marshmallows, Chocolate Chips, and Peanuts. There was a paper that had a place where we could put a name for what we were making. We were making a trail mix. The paper also had a place where we could write down the ingredients and a place where we could write down the directions. When it was our turn, we would go and sit down in a chair at Ms. Kaiser’s back table. Then we got the paper and wrote down our ingredients and our math equation. When we were done writing, Ms. kaiser let us use a measuring cup to measure ⅛ . Then we would pick the ingredient we wanted to start with and we measured it in 8ths. If we picked ⅜ for cereal, then we would measure out ⅛ + ⅛ + ⅛ to make ⅜. We would dump it in our bag and go to the next ingredient. Once all our ingredients were in the bag, we had a total of 8/8ths or 1 whole cup of trail mix. When we got home, we could show our parents what we did and then eat it.


Kaiser HR

Thursday, January 12, 2017

JRE Challenge Students Share the Love with Brookwood Community

Carrying on an annual tradition, Challenge students created Christmas cards and crafts to share with their "Brookwood Buddies."  Always ready to try something new, 1st-5th graders learned the basics of sewing and created 112 stuffed felt ornaments embellished with buttons and personal touches.  They also designed and wrote messages in 256 cards to ensure every person at Brookwood would have a little bit of happiness to open this season.  The director at Brookwood community shared, "Everyone looks forward to seeing what the students have created each year. The smiles are endless when the goodies arrive!"  Mrs. Sides agrees, "The kids are beaming and so excited as soon as we receive photos of our Brookwood Buddies getting their gifts. We have even started planning for next year already!  It is wonderfully heartwarming to see and hear how much this connection they have made with the community means to them."

Monday, January 9, 2017

5th Grade Students Collaborate with BHE Students!

Students in 5th grade are working on a collaborative science project with 5th graders from Holland Elementary. The project entails JRE students researching a famous landform such as the Grand Canyon or Mississippi River delta. Students then writing about their discoveries in a Google Slides presentation which was shared with a partner at Bonnie Holland Elementary. The BHE students are researching different examples of famous landforms and putting their information in the same Google Slides presentation. Once completed, students will present the whole project to their classes.


Google Slides also allows the students to communicate through the ‘comments’ feature which students say is like texting back and forth. This communication allows them to effectively collaborate on their projects and give feedback to each other as they are working in real time.


Emma R. says about the project, “I like that we get to communicate with our partners. We get to do our part, they get to do their part, and it comes together at the end.”


The students and teachers are both enjoying the collaboration between the schools. Every day the students are eager to see what progress their partner has made.